This CD player is turned on at t =0 and very quickly starts to play music so that the CD has an angular velocity of 500 rpm just a few seconds after t =0. The CD then plays for 1 hour, during which time it has a constant angular acceleration and a final angular velocity of 200 rpm. Estimate the total distance traveled by a point on the edge of the CD. Assume the CD has a radius of 6.0 cm.
Angular Acceleration of a Compact Disc
A compact disc used to play music does not spin with a constant angular velocity. Instead, it spins most rapidly when music is being read from regions nearest the rotation axis (the inner “tracks” near the center of the disc) and slowest when music is played from regions near the edge of the disc (the outer “tracks”). If the angular velocity decreases uniformly from ω =500 rpm to 200 rpm as the CD is scanned from the innermost to the outermost track, what is the angular acceleration? Assume the CD contains 60 minutes of music.
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